November 13, 2010
Over this past year, we've flown quite a bit and we've realized that we need more distinguishing features on our luggage to make collection easier. I'm pretty good at spotting out our suitcases, but with the upcoming move, we have a total of 11 pieces we'll be looking for so I figure we might need a better way to find our bags than me keeping my eyes peeled. I might be just a little busy with our kids at that point.
So I figured the first place to start was with luggage tags. I've been trying to play around with a design in my head for a while but the other night, I finally broke down and figured, I had to use up my supplies anyway so I might as well make a couple of prototypes and see which one I liked best.
This is what I ended up with:

I kept the front pretty simple. Not sure if I want to keep our name on the front of it though. I'll probably have to work through a couple more designs for that part. And I plan on using a couple different colours so the boys won't have pink tags. Not that it really matters that much.
In the back, I used a piece of vellum to keep the adhesive film from sticking to the tag. Along one of the edges, I carefully sliced open a space with a hobby blade to create a slit for cards (i.e., with our information).

I checked on the tag a couple days later and it was holding up pretty well except that the adhesive film was starting to pull apart. Guess that's what you get for using the cheap dollar store stuff. I think next time, using a more heavy-duty adhesive film or even taking the tags to be laminated at an office supply store might work a little better.